Thursday, June 30, 2011
Amber Rose Has Posted Her Pussy Resume!!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
To Whom it May Concern: My Pussy is an Equal Opportunity Lender
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Vicious Mother Fucking Cycles...SMDH

I was addicted to Wendy’s Baja salad for about a good two months. My routine pretty much stayed the same. Lunch time I would go to the Wendys drive thru by my office, then to the gas station to pick up a Dutch. It wasn’t until about week two of my routine that I actually started to pay attention to the young ladies (I uses this word loosely) behind the register. The girl I dealt with mostly was called “Tata” or at least that is what her name tag said. Upon further research, I found out that her birth name is Tatadelicious. I swear on a puppy this is true!!! I don’t think I could make that shit up if I tried. I mean with a name like that what the hell else did her parents expect her to do with her life. Her options were fast food or strip club. Anyway, Tata was about as ghetto as they came. Her weekly aspirations were to do a little bit of overtime so she can get her check and buy an outfit at the mall for her “clubbin” over the weekend. “Jesus take the wheel!!” Are you serious??!! THAT is what you strive for?? Ok so let me give you some background on Tata. (got the scoop one day when I decided to eat inside instead of do the drive thru) Tata is 24 years old and has five kids by four different men. She is morbidly obese,lives with her grandmother who has glaucoma and can't drive, so she lucked up on Granny's Impala. She has been attempting for the past few years to complete her GED but has been too "busy." She has more tatoos on her body than I could count and struggles to keep her belly from hanging out the bottom of her uniform. A body that so closely resembles "Precious." However, have Tata tell it, she's just "thick." I decide to pretend I am interested and ask her what club she goes to and what draws her to that club. Like a well choreographed song,"Tata" and four or so ladies all chime in at the same time telling me the name of the club. A few of them have had their outfit for Saturday night on layaway all week. They immediately start discussing how fine the men are and how they always leave with "mad numbers." Guys always want to go home and spend time with them. Tata actually met her last two "baby daddy's" at this club. She still cares about the last one and is convinced he gets jealous when he see's her at the club and other guys try and talk to her. I ask Tata how long they were together. She responds, "well we wasnt really together together like that. We met at da club and hooked up in the bathroom, then he came home with me that night, and girl that nigga put in work. I know he wanna be wit me but his wife won't give him a divorce." Wife? "Yeah they separated but he asked me not to tell nobody about his daughter for right now till he get dat bitch off his back. But he be giving me diapers and drop off food for her sometimes." I think to myself, "does he come by before or after she promises him sex?" Or does he know she'll give it to him no matter what,and figures he might as well drop off some diapers." I listen to them speak and appease there ignorance as I enjoy my salad. Disgusted, disappointed and trying SOOOO hard to hold back from telling these simple bitches what I really think about there dumb fucking asses.......Thank goodness for my blog!
First of all, at what point is Tata going to realize that chasing after these dudes and having babies for them is not getting her anywhere? So that's what you do now sloppy bitches? Bring home niggas from the club and fuck them raw dog? So your pussy is immune to AIDS and other STD's? Let me tell you why the niggas are looking at you? It is NOT because you look good, no matter how much you spent on your 3XL outfit from Macy's. It is because your ass STAYS in the club and you've made a name for yourself and your stretched out pussy. Notice the kind of guys stepping to you. There own momma wouldn't claim them! However, your man hungry behind would suck and fuck as long as they buy you a drink and tell you you're pretty. News flash: Babby Daddy isn't checking for Tata. He just cant afford to be put on child support because he has five kids at home with his wife. He's already peeped game that he can fill her head with any kind of foolishness and she'll digest that shit, quicker than those damn slurpies I always see her sucking on. What exactly is Tata doing with her life that she is too "busy" to complete her GED? Not a mother fucking thing!!! Spending her minimum wage to invest in the same fuckry that has her in the situation(s) she is in now. Sadly, her mentality and the mentality of these young sloars out here will never change. Even more depressing is these behaviors will pass on to there children causing a "vicious mother fucking cycle."
PS. Ladies, check the bitches you call your friends. It may be time to upgrade those hoes.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Stop Running From the Pussy!
As I am sitting her watching some porn and playing with my pussy, I said to myself: "straight girls are REALLY missing out." I cant even imagine a world of limitations when it comes to sex. I was trying to research so that I could get an updated number. However, last I checked over 73% of the men in prison right now have some link to a women being the root cause. Either they killed a nigga that was fucking his bitch, killed the bitch for fucking another nigga, killed a nigga for disrespecting his girl, killed a bitch for disrespecting him, was fucking with more than one bitch and the scorned bitch snitched on him and his illegal activities, a bitch broke his heart and he killed the bitch and the new nigga shes with, a nigga trying to impress a bitch so he goes and steals shit then gets caught, back pay child support, picking up a hooker bitch and getting punked by an undercover. I mean the list can go on for days....Beyonce knows why she wrote that song:
"Girls, we run this mother fucker!!"
"Our persuasion can build a nation."
Anyway back to the issue at hand.....with all of this being said, my "straight" ladies, your not even a tad curios as to what drives more than 75% of the nation crazy? I mean that's some powerful shit! Here it is if you see a celebrity you flock to him/her because of his/her talents, fame and success. Well I am here to let you know that pussy is in the same category. She is talented, famous and VERY successful. Sex with a woman is amazing! The taste, textures, smells, curves....its ALL good. If its the penetration that you think you will miss, no worries. A woman's G-spot is just a finger length with a slight curve away. There is also the purchased appendage that works quite nicely and you NEVER have to worry about a limp dick....EVER!! Now, I am in no way shape or form dissing my men or saying they don't handle the pussy right. I love fucking men!! When you get one that knows what the fuck he is doing and pays attention, he can have you stuck like chuck on that dick. All I'm saying is don't knock it till you try it. I have heard women say being with a woman has opened them up in ways sexually that a man never was able to do. Don't feel as though sleeping with women makes you gay or requires you to "support the cause." Sex and love have there own buckets. Allowing society to dictate how and what you like (or could possibly like) is wrong in every language.
S/N:If you are going to throw biblical reasons at me, your a mother fucking hypocrite for even reading my blog. GTFOH!!!!
I'm a Labia Licking Lover and proud.........Don't hold back bitches, you missing out.
PS/FYI: Nina is in the market for a new lady toy.......holla
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Paraplegic Says: "My Vagina Aint Handicap."!!!!!!???

I have seen it ALL!!!! Take me home Jesus!!!!
She said and I quote: "My Vagina A'int Handicap"
I mean, maybe she is the soundboard for handicap people of the world. Maybe this is something they all wanted to get off there chest.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Booty Calls Need to Know There Place!! STFU!!!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Cart or Basket? Which One Do/Can you fill??
I was on twitter earlier today checking out my timeline (follow me @ninaniagraraw) and Mrs. Meeka Claxton from Basketball Wives 3 said "Y do I always get a basket.. Knowing I need a cart!" (follow her @meekaclaxton) I responded "@MeekaClaxton because your trying to have some self control & you figure the basket will assist w/that. #keepitreal #getacart" I immediately realized that I need to elaborate on that and address this on my blog. As simple as you may see it, that statement is truly symbolic of many of our lives today. We restrict ourselves to what can fit in "the basket" and not allowing ourselves to "fill a cart." This can be interpreted a few different ways. One can argue, "If I get a cart, it will encourage me to pick up shit I don't need." or "A cart will encourage me to buy things with money I don't have." Let me clarify the angle I am approaching this illustration from. I understand both of the arguments given. I am not speaking of the literal cart or basket, but more so the figurative. Ladies we need to step up our fucking game and start speaking into existence larger blessing that will fill a cart not a basket.
Basket Filler: This is your typical woman that looks unto others for acceptance of herself. She chases after societies perception of what should make her happy. She allows men to fill up her head with promises and makes life altering decisions based on these promises/lies. Biggest flaw of a "basket filler," not learning from her mistakes. Her limitations are self inflicted. She surrounds herself with enablers and "basket fillers" themselves. She's superficial, has a low self esteem and is a doormat for almost everyone in her life. She is her own worst enemy. Never pushing her boundaries and allowing her self to maximize on her true potential. She continues to make decisions that dig deeper and deeper holes in her life. Making it more difficult to ever bounce back. So it is no surprise when given the option to get a cart or a basket, she chooses the basket because that is what she thinks of herself and how she approaches life. Pessimistic with no drive, motivation, desire or foresight to envision anything more for herself, outside of what fits in that small restricting basket.
Cart Filler: This bitch walks in a room and without saying a word her presence screams: " I have arrived mother fuckers! Love me or hate me, I don't give a fuck. I will always and forever continue to do me. Limitations? What limitations? What does that word even mean? Anything you can do I can do better. I know my worth and with or without your acceptance I will succeed in anything and everything. I ask questions. I learn from my mistakes and I am ten steps ahead of you because I pay attention to the mistakes of others as well. I am 100+% on my own, a man/woman in my life is not an enhancement or requirement to my completion." A cart filler continues to challenge themselves and is inspired by growth and development. They are adventurous and will do what it takes to maximize on their potential. They surround themselves with like minded people and DO NOT settle for mediocrity. On a daily basis they speak into existence greatness and are fully aware that their blessings could NEVER fit into a basket.
Harsh but true reality.
Which one are you?
S/O to Meeka from BBW3. Thanks for the topic....Make sure you guys follow her on twitter @meekaclaxton.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
"Hi My Name is Nina and I'm Obsessed with Ass."
For those of you that don't already know, I am infatuated with asses. I can ass watch for hours, days, weeks & months. I don't know what it is about a woman wit a dunk but it does something to me every time. I love to touch it, hump on it, nibble it, massage it. I have literally busted a nut off of watching a chick with a big ass jiggle and dance for me. The cherry on top of my ass fetish is a bitch with a phat ass AND bowlegged. Lord have mercy I just cant get enough. I don't usually do hood chicks because there mentality aggravates the hell outta me but when it comes to dirty, kinky no limit, no boundaries type of sex, there is nothing like a hood chick with a phat ass that can make it clap. When I first moved to the South I was in heaven with how free and loose these girls were. My fondest memory is of this chick that stripped at a club in Miami called "The Rolex." " Rolex was the KOD of Miami back in the days. This was the spot to go to see some nasty, freaky, ghetto, hoodrat bitches. This young lady (we'll call her Moca) was game for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. She just did what I asked. One night I brought MOCA back to my condo to hang with my boys. The drink of choice that night for me was smirnoff beer. I told Moca to play with her pussy while I watched and she gladly obliged. When I was finished with my Smirnoff beer I asked her if she would let me fuck her with the bottle. Guess what? The bitch obliged!!! I will never forget how her pussy juices started to fill the bottle as I penetrated. It was truly a sight. Anyway, its late, I'm horney and thought I would share with my readers some of the pictures I was skimming through while I played with my pussy.........Enjoy, I sure am.
S/O to: Ass, Ass and MORE Ass!!!! I fucking love this website!!!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Fat Pussy or Non Fat Pussy...THAT is the Question

Now to be quiet honest, I know my pussy is the shit. It is what it is, I am not a self proclaimed "bomb pussy" claimer. I have referrals that can be provided upon request. However, the reason we are talking about this is because My home girl and I were in our office and on this day I happen to be wearing tights. Usually when we talk this freaky bitch is all in my titties but on this day I noticed hers eyes were fixated on my crotch. I paid it no mind because as I said her "around the clock horniness" is normal. Hence the reason she is my best friend. ( I love you bitch) Hey what can I say, birds of a feather flock together. Anyway, out the blue she says "damn Nina, I didn't know it was that serious." "What do you mean? What's serious?" She responds, "your Vagina!" Bitch that shit could cast its own shadow" I burst out laughing!! Now, as I stated before I know I have some good pussy but never looked into the variation of reasons as to why it is so addicting. I am a VERY sexual being, I enjoy sex more than most, so when I am having it I feel like a kid in a candy store. I can't get enough and can keep going till the shop closes. My pussy juices flow before, after and on triple overtime during sex. What I didn't really consider or look into is the fact my shit is phat as hell! Is it that bitches with phat pussies have better sex? Now that I think of it, the chicks in the porn that really get things popping and have the guys tripping out, tend to have phat pum pum themselves. They also tend to be the squirters and can back it up on a Mandingo of a cock like a pro. You also get more sound effects from a phat pussy. I don't know about you but I LOVE to hear that noise of a juicy pussy getting beat the fuck up. Now after a little bit of research with my Labia Licking Lesbians they said a phat pussy is definitely a plus. Especially during grinding. The pussy just sucks on there clits as the rub against each and gets EXTRA wet.
#pause....Masturbation Break
Oh goodness!!!!!!!! Wow, this topic has me jumping. Anyway, in conclusion as my dear friend JC tells me *in her Beyonce voice* "Who runs the world? Phat pussy bitches!"
I wanna hear from my readers on this one.........What do YOU think??!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Kickin' It Wit KB!: You Do You & I'll Do Me
Home-Wrecker or Opportunist??!! Here's What Nina Thinks......

Let’s get to business.......
I think this will be my next topic………..